8/10/2018 Thank You Letters![]() SPLMS recently helped with securing some needed textbooks at LTS. Below are notes of thanks sent to us from the students who received these books. For privacy sake, we have withheld the last names of the students. SPLMS would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Concordia Catechetical Academy for providing their materials at cost. Dear SPLMS, On behalf of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, Pretoria, SA, I thank you for sponsoring books for the students this second semester/2018. We got already “Lutheran Catechesis – Catechist Edition”, and we know that more books have been bought and will be sent to the LTS. I thank you also for your kindness and love in advising, supporting and hosting Bishop Maragelo and I regarding our trip to the USA next week, from 2 to 13 August. Read below some Thank You letter written by the students. May God bless us and increase our fellowship and our work together, for the glory of His name and the growth of His church. Blessings, C. Walter Winterle - Rector Dear Friends of St Phillip Mission Society. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am second year student from Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Congo (94 CELCE).I think God because you helped us at Lutheran theological Seminary with books and i also got an opportunity to receive a copy. So, may God bless you. Yours in Christ. Kajonde Dear Friends of St. Paul Mission Society, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the gift you offered of books you offered to us here at Lutheran Theological Seminary. I received a copy of the book. I’m a third-year student from Uganda and working with the Lutheran Church of Uganda [LCU]. May the good Lord bless you. Asiimwe Lutheran Theological Seminary Pretoria. May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with You all, beloved people of God. And I would like to thank you dear Saints of God, there at Saint Philip Lutheran Mission Society supporters, Brothers Sister, I’m one of the 3rd year Seminary Student in South Africa Pretoria (LTS) My name is Desta Gebre Sinamo, I’m originally from Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus Lutheran Church from South Central Synod and I’m sponsored here at LTS, to study theology and I’m doing well by the grace of God through Your Prayer and others. Then 1st of all I would like to thank God for provided You to help us here at LTS with The Book of Catechesis and I have got an opportunity to get one copy. For that reason, may the Lord provide of everything bless you with everything with what you eager to get from his hand. Be blessed in the name of the Father an of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. with kindly regard Student Desta Greetings to you brothers and sisters in Philip mission society in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ and I hope you are all fine?. Am a student here in Lutheran Theological Seminary Pretoria {Tswane } South Africa, in a second year student. I am from Sudan, particularly in Nuba mountain as you know that Sudan is one of the country where there is persecution of Christianity and demolition of churches too, keep the Christians in Sudan in your prayers. There is no freedom of Religion and Lutheran Church still growing and it need more train pastors to help in witness Christ to the people of Sudan. I appreciate your support for us students in the seminary especially the books you are sending for us. Recently we received the books of catechesis and we are thankful for your generosity to us. Thank you and God bless you all Your brother in Christ Younan Grace, peace, from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ be with you. Dear Saint Philip; My name is Gentil from Drc Congo, I’m a student here at the Lutheran Theological seminary in Tshwane. The main purpose for me to write this letter to you is that I would like to say thank you very much for your donation of the books which you donated to us here at the seminary. I also received one copy of Lutheran Catechesis. May God bless you and give you more strength and increase your knowledge for your effort which you are doing to grow up the mission of God among all the world. Yours in Christ: Gentil Dear Friend of St Philip Mission Society. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hoping that everything is on clear line for progress. The main purpose of writing this letter is that I want to say thank you for providing and donating the book for us here at Lutheran theological seminary Pretoria. And also me I was given an opportunity to have a copy of this book Lutheran catechesis. May God bless the work you are doing. Yours faithfully, Chance, Student at LTS. To SAINT PHILIP LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY My regards to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As a second-year student of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane Pretoria, I really thank you for donating to us these wonderful books of Lutheran Catechesis which will help us to know how to teach catechism, we are really proud of you and I pray that this should not be the last, may the Lord bless you and keep you. Yours faithful Pierre from DRCongo but now living in south africa as a Refugee. Thank you! Thank you Saint Phillip Lutheran Mission Society for donating the Lutheran Catechesis book to LTS. I am Lucky, single male from Kzn Lower South Coast, RSA at Umhlangeni Parish. I am a second-year student. This book will be of great help to spread the word of God. May God bless you Lucky July 25, 2018 To: St. Philip Mission Society Re: Thank you letter Dear Sir/Madam, I am Albert, a Liberian; member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Liberia Synod (ELCLS). I am also a third year student at the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) in Tshwane Pretoria, South Africa. I write to express my deepest thanks for your recent donation (Lutheran Catechesis, Catechist Edition) to Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS). Generous gifts from donors like you provide LTS the materials support needed to continue the mission of training future pastors and deaconesses across Africa. I am inspired by the dedication and generosity of your organization. With your faithful contributions, you have demonstrated your deep commitment to the work of LTS. It is our hope that partnership with you will go a long way and be a roadmap to the success of this seminary. We look forward to a continuing partnership with you, as we together fulfill the great commission! In His Service, Albert Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord be with you. Dear saint Philip: my name is Lwamwe from Drc Congo, I’m a student here at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Tshwane. The most important for me to write this letter, I would like to say thank you for your donation of the books which you donated to us here at the seminary. I also received one copy of Lutheran catechesis. May God Bless you and give you more strength and increase your knowledge for your effort. Have a blessed week Lwamwe Greetings to you brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I hope you are fine?. I would like to give you thank for your help to me especially the book of Lutheran Catechesis which you are providing to us here Lutheran Theological Seminary Tswane . Am from Congo D.R.C. and I am second years student . Thank you and God bless you For SAINT PHILIP LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY, First of all I would like to say thank you very much and God bless your mission society for your donation of very important and helpful book of catechesis. It is very cooperative book for future ministry. Thank you. So I would like to introduce myself. I am from the EECMY. (ETHIOPIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH MEKANE YESUS) or (EECMY ARE CALLED MEKANE YESUS CHURCH) is a Lutheran denomination in Ethiopia. It is the largest part of Lutheran world Federation. My name is Evangelist Chernet, I was born and grown in the born again Christian Family in Hosanna Sothern Ethiopia. My Father was first Christian in his family, and the others all family idol worshiper. When he serving God I am child, I couldn’t understand his actions. But According to my Mother and other Christian eye witness my Father very strong Christian and Established Mekane yesus church in remote area. After I was completed grade 12 matriculation, in 2002 I was called by EECMY Ayer Tena Congregations in Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia. I was studies or completion of a one year Bible school at woliso Mobile Bible school from October 2005 to May 27/2006 I have got certificate in this day. Then EECMY Ayer Tena Congregations ordained me in 2006 as a Full time Evangelist. Again I was study of a three years bible school from 09/ January /2009-16/June/2012 I was graduated Diploma of Theology in Mekane Yesus Seminary. Therefore I have been full time an Evangelist in the EECMY for over twelve years from 2002- 2014. Similarly By God’s grace I have different gift from God. I have composition new spiritual song, playing keyboard, bible study co-ordinator, visiting Christians, preaching and teaching the word of God. It is not strengthen of me? But by Power of Holy Spirit I did all. I have been working hard to earn my life-longing theology degree with at Mekane Yesus Seminary. Unfortunately I had been struggling with lack of finances. God is good always-He will never leave nor forsake those who truly trust in Him. God has heard my prayer and to pursue my studies I have got with full financial support or scholarship opportunity with my family to join the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, South Africa. Because of that know I was grinding LTS in Pretoria and I would like to say thank you LTS in Tshwane {Pretoria-South Africa} for having given me scholarship and your cooperation, I have this good opportunity in order to study here at LTS. If it be the will of God my future plane is to develop my theological background and I equipped more in God’s word and continue serving to God. Especially I want to be a full time pastor or Full time Teacher {if it is possible both to be pastor and to be teacher} according to God’s will, in any anywhere or place. Here South Africa or back home in Ethiopia with EECMY. It is my pleasure to carry on studying in this Seminary as well as furthering my study at university of Pretoria. Thus I need your unreserved support and help. Therefore that, I can to finish my studies in proper way. (If I will get scholarship I want to continue until PHD) CHERNET (EVANGELIST)